
专家 Discuss Progress to End HIV During COVID Years


The COVID pandemic has highlighted existing public health problems founded in inequitable access to quality health care. A larger audience is now aware of the impact on different communities and their ability to navigate health challenges. COVID has also demonstrated science in real time, as scientists and public health professionals scramble for solutions. 趣赢平台’s Asking the 专家 Webinar Series wanted to dig deep on the parallels and lessons from the effort to end HIV in the U.S. In our first conversation, 在美国终结艾滋病毒.S.:进展, 挑战, 和机遇周四, 12月2日, 2021, we heard from researchers and community leaders with their perspectives on turning challenges into successes.

贝琳达加斯顿, MPH, of 趣赢平台’s 公共卫生 & Epidemiology Practice, moderated the panel, which included the following experts:

讨论的范围很广, including the panelists’ take on what progress and challenges have arisen in the fight to end HIV since the beginning of the pandemic and what essential changes they believe still need to be made. 外卖食品包括:

  • Greater engagement between communities and researchers is critical. Barriers to established communication should be broken down. Science needs to listen to communities, 了解他们的观点, and community leaders need a stronger presence in informing who, 在哪里, 以及如何接触到这些社区.
  • Lived experiences need to be shared, bringing experiences and actionable information to researchers in ways that are unparalleled in any other approach.
  • Use science better to translate discoveries into services and interventions.
  • Lessons learned need to be documented to fight pseudoscience that pervades the internet, 社交媒体, 以及其他通讯工具.

“We are thrilled to have had the opportunity to engage with these experts in conjunction with World AIDS Day and on such important questions,她说。. 加斯顿. “From the chat comments that came in during the event it was obvious that our audience was inspired and excited to apply some of the ideas our panelists discussed.”

See the full webinar and enjoy the exchange of ideas and perspectives of the panelists: 在美国终结艾滋病毒.S. in the Age of COVID (YouTube Video)





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